

Can food improve your exam performance? from BBC iWonder

吃東西也能考到好分數”?!我知道這一聽就覺得很瞎,但真的不可能嗎?就由這篇BBC做的報導來告訴你 如何靠來得到好成績吧! (其實不管是真是假都照吃不誤阿XD)

Can food improve your exam performance?


#1. How can eating right improve your grades?

When you're faced with a pile of revision, feeding your body as well as your brain may be the last thing on your mind. But can you give yourself an advantage simply by eating certain foods? And does drinking plenty of water really increase your chances of getting good grades?



*revision (n.)學業

Whether you're a student or the parent of a child sitting school exams, are there quick and easy food tips to help maintain those all-important energy levels and improve concentration and memory?

對於無論是個學生或是自己小孩正面臨考試的父母,那種快速且簡單的吃東西技巧,能夠維持所有重要且必須的精力,甚至是提升專注力和記憶力的方法真的有嗎?(天啊 可以記憶力耶!)


#2. What's the best breakfast on exam days?

Research shows that pupils and students who eat breakfast perform better in exams. For the best breakfast, include slow-release carbohydrates, such as whole rolled porridge oats, whole grain bread or low-sugar muesli, as they provide slow-release energy. Add a protein food, such as milk, yoghurt or eggs, to keep you feeling full for longer. On exam day aim to include a portion of a food rich in long-chain Omega-3 fats, such as smoked mackerel, as they are believed to have brain-boosting properties.


據研究指出,會吃早餐的學生會考的比較好。至於最棒的早餐,包含*慢性碳水化合物,像是燕麥粥、全穀麵包,或是綜合燕麥那些能夠提供緩慢釋放的能量。加上含有蛋白質的食物,像是牛奶、優格,或是蛋,來長久維持你的飽足感。甚至是在考試那天多多補充富含Omega-3 fats(不飽和脂肪酸)的食物,像是煙熏鯖魚,被認為能夠提升腦袋活化。

*slow-release carbohydrates (n.)慢性碳水化合物Slow-release carbs on the other hand are healthier options to keep your blood sugar levels more stable between meals and help you feel more satiated so that you can reach and maintain a healthy weight and prevent chronic diseases意旨吃慢性碳水化合物可以有助於穩定餐與餐之間的血糖指數,甚至產生飽足感幫助身體維持在漸開的體重和狀態。

*porridge oats (n.)燕麥粥(通常是玉米或小麥)磨粉塑形之後製成的各式穀片,已經看不出來原來穀物的形狀,通常會添加糖粉、食用色素、香料等,像是小朋友最愛的可可早餐脆片就屬於這一種,以加工程度來說這款是最高的,不過也因為外形多變、口味豐富、口感酥脆好吃,是目前台灣穀片市場中最主流的產品。

*grain bread (n.)全麥麵包

*muesli (n.) 木斯里主要由尚未煮過的麥片、水果、堅果組成,除了將穀物簡單的壓扁、加入堅果及果乾之外不做任何處理,甜味完全由穀物本身和其他天然食物而來,適合想要減肥、吃得健康控制糖分或熱量攝取的人。

*protein (n.)蛋白質

*long-chain Omega-3 fats (n.)長鏈脂肪酸

#3. How can drinking water improve your grades?

One of the best ways to maximise your focus is to stay hydrated. Even mild dehydration can lead to tiredness, headaches, reduced alertness and diminished concentration.



*maximize (v.)最佳化

*hydrated (adj.)含水分的

*diminished (v.)減少;降低

Take a bottle of water into the exam if you’re allowed to; a study of university students found that those who brought drinks, especially water, with them into the exam performed on average 5% better than those who didn't. Start the day with a big glass of water or fruit tea. The European Food Safety Authority recommends women drink about 1.6 litres of fluid a day and men 2 litres. That's eight to ten 200ml glasses. Water is ideal, but healthy drinks such as milk and small amounts of fruit juice count. Tea and coffee count too, but are high in caffeine. It's best to avoid sweet fizzy and energy drinks, which are high in sugar, as they'll lead to energy peaks and troughs.


*The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)歐洲食品安全局

#4. Which foods will help you focus?

Eating a balanced diet can help you focus and avoid illness. No single food is nutritionally complete, so you need variety. Try not to skip meals or your blood-sugar level will drop.


均衡飲食不只可以幫助你的專注力,甚至是對抗疾病。只吃單一食物營養是不夠的,所以你需要多方面攝取。試著不要挑食,否則那會使得的血糖降低。(意思就是什麼都吃!! Of course except junk foods XD)

*nutritional (adj.)營養的

#5. What should you eat for a good night's sleep?

Not getting enough sleep may negatively affect your memory and slow your responses. Experts believe memory neurons that are responsible for converting short-term memories into long-term ones work most effectively when we are asleep. There's evidence that students who sleep for seven hours a night do on average 10% better than those who get less sleep. But what should you eat and drink at bedtime to promote sleep?



*neurons (n.)神經元

*converting (v.)使改變

What should you eat before bedtime?

A heavy meal too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep, so try to have your last meal at least three hours before you go to bed. Then have a small snack such as a bowl of high-fibre cereal like porridge just before bedtime. If you need sweetener with cereal, go for dried fruit rather than sugar.



* interfere (v.)干擾;干涉

好的,就這麼冗長的翻譯(-3-~),還真的學到不少呢! 雖然我覺得這樣吃對我的成績可能不會有太大的反應啦XD但也是值得一試,畢竟要先有健康的身體才會有精神去面對考試呀(“--“),提供大家做參考囉!


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